Love Letter

Dear Jesus,

It’s me again

I guess I have to know how I feel
The world demanding an explanation
Unable to sense that some things are rather left unsaid

Wrapped up in inadequacy
Supposing, estimating, presuming
The cycle never ceases

But in this inadequacy there is a glimmer of confidence that I find in You, Jesus
Confidence in knowing that You get me
Confidence in knowing that I do not have to utter a word and yet You know the words my heart speaks
Confidence in knowing that my silence is but a loud noise to You
Confidence in knowing that my lack of coherence can be deciphered by You into meaningful words

In knowing this I can remain in solitude with You
Just being
Existing and living to the fullest
Without worry that I have been misunderstood by many

So when the world demands an explanation that I cannot give
I choose to remember that You get me
I choose to remember that You formed me
I choose to remember that You love me and are still loving me

Love always,



Life can be tough
Existing in the fear of the unknown
Dreading the rough ride
That seems to but only shake our faith
Trample on our passion

We begin to forget our mission
Almost settling for less
As we can’t stand the mess
Anxiety creeps in… a thief in the night

In our quest not to give in,
On bended knees we enter that secret place
Where all things are made whole
Trying to remember that God lives in us
Thus we are in the victory

Battling with how much we had underestimated the power of prayer;
Where our faith can be restored,
Where our mess can be reordered

Rage rises in our hearts
The flame rekindled
It’s almost as though the day of Pentecost has arrived
Consumed by the power of God
We begin to thrive
Running through and past our mess
Leaping over walls that held us back

In this renewed strength
We begin to run and not get weary
Soaring on wings like eagles

In this renewed strength
There is a resurgence in our mission,
Our vision enlarges
Faith rises

And so we bask in the knowing that our tomorrow is secured
Secured by His majesty
The one and only sovereign God

Pursuit of Happiness

In a world where all seems to be moving at say a 100 miles per hour, we all find it hard to keep steady relationships or even enjoy a time of solitude.

We run and keep chasing after the wind, hoping to beat the recession or whatever else there is to beat. Pursuing money, fame and perhaps there are some out there trying to attain a better life. We go with the notion that if I just obtain this or that then I will be happy. Sadly, one finds that this cycle never ends. Once that which is desired is obtained, we find that many a few are still left empty. Hungry, thirsty souls searching for that which will fill them from the realisation that the attained desire is nothing short of an empty glass.


The issue is this, in our fenzy to gather as much as we can or obtain the things society has caused us to believe is the key to success or happiness, many of us lose ourselves. We lose sight of what is important, we fail to remember why we are here. Thus, in our purpose, we become purposeless. Breathing but not living. What a shame it really is.

Lest you begin to think I am against fame or wealth, let me make it clear that this is not the case. I completely believe God is all about blessing us, Abraham being a perfect example. – “And I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing” – Genesis 12:2. However, the problem begins when one starts to abuse these things causing them to become a god over the only true and living GOD – as it is stated in the book of 1 Timothy 6:10, “for the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil………”.  Likewise, scripture also states “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” – Matthew 6:24.

Now, let’s journey back to the time of creation – God created man in His own image placing him in the garden of Eden, where he was to be in the constant presence of God. This is the place where God dwelled with man on earth – “And when they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…….” – Genesis 3:8. Sadly, after the fall of man, that closeness or fellowship between God and man was disrupted resulting in a broken world. Creating an empty void in us that can only be filled if we run back to Him, seeking that close relationship He had with man in the garden of Eden.

There is a point to this and I will go on to further explain. I solely believe that many of us chase after all the tangibles of life because we are yet to meet with God. From the beginning of time, we have been created to worship and be in constant fellowship with God – this is our first and foremost purpose. In my brevity, I believe that this is our purpose after which,everything else follows – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you” – Matthew 6:33.

This emptiness, the void that most feel even after achieving their life target I believe is as a result of their inability to surrender their lives to God. If only we could just tap into the power of God, seeking His kingdom first and foremost, the pursuit of happiness will ever be so cheerful and most importantly of great substance.

“…….That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING and what THE RICHES OF THE GLORY OF HIS INHERITANCE IN THE SAINTS, and what is the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER TO US-WARD WHO BELIEVE, according to the working of His mighty power” – Ephesians 1:16-19

This as stated above is what we stand to achieve if only we completely surrender our lives to God.

I am convinced that quite a number of individuals chase or desire wealth, fame and all that jazz for the wrong reasons. It is as though one has forgotten that the things we acquire on earth cannot travel in time with us upon our time of demise. It is ONLY the Word of God that stands the test of time. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away” – Matthew 24:35. Now see why I say we need the word and much so the power of God in our lives.

As I conclude, I want us to really think about our motives and the reason for our drive to success. Would you rather be successful and unhappy than be happy in your success? Are you pursuing these things in hope to find happiness in them? For selfish reasons? To please man? To oppress your fellow brother/sister?  What is the main source of your happiness?? Material things?


In all of this, my advice to us and to myself likewise is this –   before we begin to chase after what society has defined as the key to happiness, let us remember that true and sustainable happiness can only be found in God through Christ Jesus. Finally, bear in mind that everything else will eventually wither away, even us as a people. “For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and its flowers falls away, But the WORD of the Lord endures forever.” – 1 Peter 1: 24-25.

Jesus is Christmas!!

People chatter

O! how we live in a broken world

In a place encompassed by corruption and deceit

In a place where man harms his fellow being

No sympathy

More hate than there is love and compassion

In a world, where inequality is the motive for oppression

In a world filled with poverty and depression

Enslaved minds grooming violence

And the story goes on…

But in the midst of this destruction there is hope

Hope for mankind and what it stands for

A star who has come to save us

ONE man who will free us

Break the chains

Take the shackles off our feet

Cloth us with love and extinguish the flames of wickedness

Liberty from bondage

Securing habitual freedom in Him!

His name is Immanuel, God with us!

His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most high God

Who was born of the virgin Mary

In the city of Bethlehem


Of whom His coming had been prophesied since the beginning of time

The messiah, messenger of truth, He is!

He has come to save us from the wrath of God

On His birth, He was welcomed as the King of kings;

The Lord of lords…with gifts of myrrh, gold and frankincense

In Him we will find;

Counsel…peace in the midst of confusion and disarray

He will be our bright morning star and our light to save us from darkness

In Him shall our sins be forgiven

In Jesus shall we find eternal life

In Jesus shall our lives be made whole

In Jesus shall we become the righteousness of God

In Jesus shall we find comfort

In Jesus shall this life journey be less treacherous

In Jesus, there is Christmas

In Jesus, there is hope

Jesus is Christmas

Jesus is HERE

Come to Him

He’ll be the best gift you will receive this season

If only you accept Him

He’s waiting!

Tick Tock….Tick Tock!!


Tick tock tick tock

It is so that there’s a time for everything;

Everything under the sun

But blimey, man lacks respect for time;

To be respected by time?!

The irony!

Lest we begin to complain about how we lost time

Think about how you’ve used time

How you’ve treated time

Because time they say waits for no man

Tick tock tick tock

Be alert!

All In!! (Mark Batterson)

The All In Manifesto

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions.
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.
Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes.
Keep seeking God.
Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.
Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.
Stop playing it safe and start taking risks.
Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences.
Enjoy the journey.
Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.
Live like today is the first day and last day of your life.
Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshiping what’s right with God.
Burn sinful bridges. Blaze new trails.
Don’t let fear dictate your decisions.
Take a flying leap of faith.
Quit holding out. Quit holding back.
Push all of your chips to the middle of the table.
It’s time to ante up all of your faith.
It’s time to go all in.
It’s time to go all out.


This text has been extracted from a book titled “All In” written by Mark Batterson

A Cup Of Water

The perception of humanity
The revelation of mans incapability
The frustration, the fear of the unknown
And yet we still seek the truth
What if the truth was too hard to bare
Too difficult to swallow
What then?!
Would you prefer a lie ?!
Would you rather bask in the unknown ?

Frolicking like a confused breed
No direction
No vision
And then we encounter this thing called faith
A concept that seems to absurd
But yet thousands if not millions claim to the peacefulness that faith brings
The questions surface;
Am I to live by this or shall I trust my sight ?!
Shall I succumb to the substance of things hoped for ?
Where is the evidence of things not seen?

The irony!
If you believe that cup of water will quench that thirst then, that my friend is called FAITH!!

We Are Clay!


“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel”

[Jeremiah 18:6]


Clay as we all know is hard and cannot be moulded unless some moisture in the form of water  has been added to it, upon which it becomes malleable, ready to be moulded into the desired shape by the potter. In life, we are the clay and God is our potter.

And the story begins…….

Before meeting Jesus we all are clay in its hard form with hard hearts harbouring unforgiveness, bitterness, sin and so much more ungodly things.By allowing Christ into our lives, accepting Him as LORD over our lives, HE places within us a Helper, the Holy Spirit who’s job is to teach us all things in Christ.

In doing so, we begin bear forth  the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control – Galatians 5:22

As we learn more about Christ and read the WORD (our bibles), the gates of our hearts begin to part as Christ begins to add that moisture through his word that is required for us to become malleable. In that malleable state, God is able to shape and mould us into that person He has created us to be via the Holy Spirit and through His presence in our lives.


Once we submit ourselves to the WILL of God (His crafting), we begin to develop a God perspective. This God perspective however can be lost in the motion of life causing us to forget that God has a plan for us, we forget His promises to us or are not patient enough and so we TRY TO DO THINGS OUR OWN WAY, which can lead to disastrous consequences. – Genesis 16

We say Lord, take me as I am, use me but are we ready to be used?

We say have your way Lord and then we do it our way!

We say Lord change me, but do we take the steps in order for that to happen? Remember: Your relationship with God is a two way one, just like any other. One thing we forget is that, for change to occur, we also have to work for that change with the help of God of course.

My point is in order for God to have His way in our lives, in order for us to experience growth, we have to let HIM as the Potter shape us to His desire by putting our desires aside and asking with a sincere heart for His will to be done. The clay never says to the potter, this is how I would like to be moulded. So let us as clay, allow our POTTER (GOD), shape us to His liking, in accordance to the purpose He has put us on earth for.


Heavenly father, forgive me for whenever I have decided to do things on my own accord without seeking your thoughts. In any way I have gone off track, I ask that you re-direct my step and show me the way I ought to go. Position me o Lord and align me with your will. I thank you Father that even in my unfaithfulness that you remain faithful. Amen.



We Owe Him Everything

In the past two months, I have been consumed by revision and then exams. However, I’m back now and better, so I think.

Hope you enjoy the short poem below.  Peace and Love 😀

Gimme a minute I’m not there yet

Gimme a minute my education comes first – I’ve got to get this degree

Gimme a minute I haven’t attained the fine things of life

Gimme a minute I need to acquire knowledge

Gimme a minute I need to get a job first

Gimme a minute this is outside my comfort zone


Do you not know you ought to seek the kingdom of God first and everything shall be added to you?

seek the kingdom

God doesn’t do comfort zones – He works best out of that and I can testify to that

Lets PAUSE for a minute, reflect

If God hadn’t said gimme a minute

If God hadn’t been merciful enough to sacrifice His only begotten son; Jesus

We would not be here, salvation will not be an option, and there would be no gateway, no access to eternal life

But see; God thought about us, about you and me

And decided to give us another chance

Oh the sacrifice of the Lamb of God

The blood of Christ shed for our sins, not only for our sins but that we may be reconciled to God

That we may have life in abundance

Abundant life

Jesus not only came but He conquered death

On the third day, He rose from the grave

And our saviour lives

So we owe Him every minute

Every minute of our lives we owe Him

Stop making excuses

Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!

Don’t wait till you feel “right” before living for God?

There’s no such thing as feeling right anyway!

See serving God is a choice

So let’s take a minute to think about Jesus…...To think about what He’s done for you and me; the sacrifice He made for us on the cross of Calvary, the shedding of His blood for our redemption

My Lord….He that had no sin became sin for us

The Pure LAMB of God

Give Him a minute…….More than a minute

Give Him your life